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Nathan's Magical Shoes

Nathan and Brian will capture your heart as these two best friends join forces on a running journey. The boys learn if magical shoes are real and the value of working hard and having fun. Of course, they get a lot of help from Nathan's amazing older sister, June!

Inspired by real-life "super shoes," authors Brian Frank and Nathan Scott are fast runners, good friends, and dads with a story to tell. They wrote Nathan's Magical Shoes for ages 5 and up, with characters both boys and girls will love and look up to.

"I want to show kids that hard work can be fun, and a competitor on the track can still be your friend and training buddy." - Brian Frank

Picture of Brian Frank and Nathan Scott, authors of Nathan's Magical Shoes

About the Authors

Brian Frank is a Registered Investment Advisor, Chief Investment Officer of Frank Capital Partners LLC, and Portfolio Manager of the Frank Value Fund. He is an avid runner from 5k to the marathon. Brian lives, works, and runs in Miami, Florida with his wife and two boys.

Nathan L. Scott, M.D., M.P.P. is an Assistant Professor of Clinical Ophthalmology and the Chief of the Ocular Oncology Division at the Shiley Eye Institute and Viterbi Family Department of Ophthalmology. He is an avid runner from 5k to the marathon and beyond. Nathan lives, works, and runs in San Diego, California, with his wife and four girls
